Expressing difficult emotions through art

People have always expressed difficult emotions through art. Today, in times of pandemics, when many of us have experienced difficult things,it is particularly important.

▪Art allows us to express what we feel and to get closer to other people who feel the same. In times of social distancing, people need a sense of community even more!🎨

▪In a crisis, people re-evaluate reality and, in a sense, build it anew. Art allows us to process these experiences and understand new ones 🎬

▪Art is a carrier of important messages and a tool for communication.🎥

▪Art allows us to relate to a more universal human experience -man has been expressing himself through art since the beginning of time 🎼

▪In difficult times, when inequalities are more visible than usual, art is a tool for building stronger local communities 🤸

▪The pandemic has made us stay closer to home, and art gives new meanings to these places 📷

▪In addition, art has been proven to positively impact our health by reducing stress and creating well-being!

Eviva l’arte❗🙂


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