Learning to learn a new language more effectively

When you want to learn a new language 🇪🇸 and look up the best possible ways on the internet, you get flooded with “best hacks” and language learning techniques that are supposed to boost up your level of a given language in days. Now that is totally wrong.

⛔ Sorry, but that’s the harsh truth. If you really want to learn a language, you have to work hard.

However, some methods are more effective than others and here they are:
✅ conversations with native speakers – the more you talk to the natives the better and quicker you will learn their language
✅ carry a dictionary with you and check the words you don’t know as you speak – there are many apps available and if you use a new word in a conversation there’s the highest chance you will remember it
✅ “How do you say X?” is the most important sentence you can possibly learn. Learn it early and use it often
✅ find a way to make it fun – talk to interesting people while doing things that match your interests, make funny associations to remember vocabulary better,
âś… use sticky notes with useful phrases and place them all over your house,
âś… learn both questions and answers to be able to communicate with others.

There is no easy way to learn a language, but talking with natives is surely the best and quickest one. If spending time in the country where the language you want to learn is not an option, find a buddy online. 👩‍💻

Do you know any language learning techniques that work well? đź’­


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